Tuesday, 10 August 2010

I can't stand the rain against my window (especially when I don't know it's coming)

Is anyone aware that the multi million pounds spent on the Met Office is not spent on weather forecasting? They have decided thanks to the chief tsar at the Met to focus their energies and efforts on studying global warming and to abandon medium and long range forecasts.
Now that would be okay if their short term five day forecasts were not so wildly inaccurate. In a country that is meteorologically obsessed we now function sans a Met Office. Most basket countries in dictatorial regimes still have their Met office trundling out their, varying in accuracy, predictions for the weather but we're not. Once again a tsar takes hostage of public funds and uses it to fuel their own passions.

Before anyone jumps in, I am comitted to the study of global warming however we still need a service that predicts the weather with some degree of accuracy. As the planets ecosystem changes the short term weather will get even more unpredictable and to cope we must develop tools and better ways of statistically trending and forecasting the daily changes in our weather.
The defining moment came when the Met Office inaccurately predicted a BBQ summer in 2009 and it turned into one of the wettest summers on record. A hue and cry (as always) ensued in the press and what happened?
Was an inquiry raised, was their budget slashed? Oh no, like a precocious two year old they stamped their heels and declared that they were no longer going to publish long term forecasts. Then it was uncovered that their tsar was focused on studying global warming.

They got away with it.

Meanwhile a small six man team of weather junkies accurately predicts and publishes the medium and long term weather now (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1259685/UK-hottest-summer-predicts-Positive-Weather-Solutions.html) Where is their funding, I hear you ask?

Now a lot of people may disagree with the slash and burn policies of the current government but rather than the Film Council if there's one place to slash and burn budgets surely it's here?
Peace and Love to the Gods of the weatherx

Beauty is love and peace is fine.
PS Apologies for a quote from the Daily Wail sorry Daily Mail

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