Friday, 13 August 2010

They pimped my PM!

I love The Economist-besides the witty reportage and reading stories and forecasts that break in the national papers much later I love their covers.
Take a look at David Camerons pimped up image on this weeks cover here:

I mean that must be the most radical pimping makeover Cameron's ever had. Funnily he doesn't look too bad for it.Kinda suits him.
Now if our well meaning albeit hot tempered Gordon had been pimped in a similiar fashion: lawdy-lawdy, one can only wonder at the result-Pennywise the clown anyone?
Conversely, the leader of the Lib dem (Mr. Bland and totally unmemorable) may not do so badly either if subjected to a radical makeover a-la Cameron in this image.

Flippancy aside, its an interesting article and proves the point that no one loves a recession better than the Tories. A great chance for them to unleash their long pent up fire and brimstone on us mere UK mortals who've been slumbering in the arms of Bacchus trying to cope with the hangover after the party. Having said that it's their time so let them shine and let's hope the swingeing cuts are applied at the right points. We hope that with their sharp instruments of cessation they display the expertise of a veteran chinese acupuncturist  instead of acting like a teenage hunter in the woods armed with a blunt pen knife facing a wild boar.

On that note my latest bug bear happens to be unions who go on strike when pay rises are not forthcoming. Hello! Do they not know most of us are on pay freezes and pay cuts leave alone pay rises?

When the staff at BA and Unite together bring down our national carrier it will be the union officals who will still have a job while the "comrades" or "colleagues" they seek to represent will be left in the cold on the dole.

Why, oh why, oh why in this day and age, with minimum wage protections and with employment law being so comprehensive in this country, do we still need unions?

In my limited opinion, unions ought to exist to counsel workers who have lost their jobs by offering them training and support to find new ones. It's a coaching and support facility that's required but until we root out the self interested militants in charge of  unions that day is far away.

If you want to see how our self serving and well paid union leaders behave in public take a look at this

Still I know deep down that one day love will find its way; albeit a teensy weensy bit later for some people than for the rest of us:).

Gosh it's all turned politically intense on my blog today, dear reader.I blame the heavy swollen thunderclouds and feeble mid teens temperature that have turned our London summer into a total washout.

On a  more cheery note my dear bloggistas (is that even a word?) it's almost time for the weekend and I am heading for Martiniville!

Beauty is love and peace is fine.

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