Monday, 9 August 2010

Succumbation..If thats a word I have

I have succumbed to the inevitable and started a blog Still not sure if this is going to go the way of my tweets or if it will be as prolific as my Facebook (5 ASUD's) well anyway here goes... This blog will be fictional and contain magical expansions of the observed

While it will be written with love there will be some isms and prejudices and rants and if you can bear with that you will find magic and peace at the end..

Oh and yes there will be food and typos ..lots of  them

So who should succumb to reading this ongoing capitualtion to the world of blogging?

People who like people but cannot be arsed to talk on the phone, read another email/tweet/status update in the 5 minutes of "me-time" they have.. If you are looking to relax, kick back and lift your spirits with some inspired fictional or fictionalised ramblings and if you can look past typos from a passionately clumsy on..

Remember beauty is love and peace is fine..

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