Monday, 16 August 2010

Take me back to summertime this time ( St.Etienne)

The last two weeks of summer in the office are bliss. The daily number of emails shrink while the 'off the hook' phone appears comatose. Getting on the tube's a doddle with seats to sit on and even the lunchtime options expand as the cabinet at EAT still has my favourite toasted sandwich waiting for me at three pm.

Come September it changes:schools will fling open their gates to a horde of reluctant children who leave their relieved parents behind to clog up the tubes and grab my favourite EAT sandwich before I even get there.
Work returns to it's chain emailing frenzy and earnest keepers of kingdoms rattle their keys and sabres when the threat of 'cross functional' working rears it's innocent head.The bare desks start to fill with towers of 'project' printouts and late afternoon trans pacific conference calls keep your ear engaged till dusk veils the City skyline. Back come the floods of earnest analysis attributing every fractional percentage of growth to a justification of effort without ever questioning why the lack of the same effort during the summer did not result in the organisation collapsing like a soufflé when an oven door is unwittingly opened too early.
Until then the ping pong table in the parks waiting a second player, my sandwich waits graciously and with a handful of emails to attend to I can be home with the sun at it's late afternoon apex and have a life after.

If only work was about truth and effort where it was needed it would be summer in the office all year round. Till then it's a fortnight of focus and fort holding till the work expanders return.

Beauty is love and peace is fine.

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