Thursday, 12 August 2010

Skinny Roll ups

This brief post is not about narcotics but rather the current trend for men to flaunt their ankles. Yes after the low hanging crotch exposing gangster waistlines as brought out by the late and great Alexander McQueen; nowadays it's all about rolling your skinny chino and jeans to show off a bulging ankle.
Not sure what this achieves as even the most effete waif in skinny roll ups doesn't come close to a Japanese Geisha flashing her ankle.

What will we have next - a male hijab with a daring slit for eyes?

Hoxton is over ridden with young (and old) men who should know better flashing pedals and ankle as they cycle past balancing their copy of Shortlist while they bark into their iPhones.

A sneak peek at the Winter offerings in the High Street show tidy turnups on new range denim and tacky khakis. That's one way to deal with the mountain of denim and khaki in third world warehouses awaiting the attention of tiny fingers to fashion them into High Street pret a porter at a knock down single digit give away prices at Primarni.
It's enough to lament McQueens passing and Tom Fords obsession with making dull films.We need a designer with a propensity for the testicular to design for real men whose ankles are not the most attractive part of their anatomy

Beauty is love and peace is fine.

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