Monday, 9 August 2010

Is that blood on the diamond or nail polish?

Thirteen years later we have a has-been actress, a supermodel in need of anger management, an ex employee and a few dirty stones..At surface level the words "who cares" springs to mind...But then under those dirty stones lie the darkness of the human soul, the supposed ignorance of consequences and somewhere between those connections the truth..

That aside, diamonds are a powerful inspiration for a short story as with all rocks clawed from the earth they demand a terrifying price that anyone who has worked in darkness under the earth can testify to. They remain a contradiction mired in dark earth and yet a perfect prism for a light that never reaches it as it sleeps trapped in rock.

What caused their elevation to the super status of desirability and where did our love affair begin before De beers decided that it was the best way to market this lustrous crystal?

The sometimes reliable Wikipedia informs us that three thousand years ago in Northern India diamonds were venerated for their unbreakability as religious icons and from there on they ruled over the clan of gems.

And once again we have it: our compulsive attraction for an unbreakable, infinite strength leads us to venerate a carbon based rock that lies trapped in inhospitable and difficult terrain until it is freed as a dirty stone in a bag surreptitiously handed at midnight or as a polished crystal set in precious metal that sparkles on a confident finger at a social gala or on a newlywed's tremulous finger as it is banded for the first time in an outward display of bonded affection.

Diamonds are forever unless we wean ourselves off our addiction to infallibility first.

Beauty is love and peace is fine.

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